Gratefulness Meditation

Ibrahim El Far
3 min readApr 7, 2020

A Script for a 20–30 minute Group Meditation


Sit comfortably in your chair or on your couch. Spine upright. Body relaxed and open. Legs comfortably crossed or feet flat on the ground. Let your breath flow naturally. Let your heart beat easy.


Smile. An inner smile if you like. Do not take this practice too seriously. Approach it with a sense of playfulness, inquisitiveness, and curiosity.

Be Kind

Remember to be kind to yourself. As you explore this practice, know that distractions, thoughts, feelings, drowsiness, anxiety may arise. Smile upon your visitors and do not take it personally. There are no mistakes.

Clarify Intentions

As you sit there. Clarify your intentions. Why are you here? Why are you giving yourself the gift of meditation? Is it to attain peace? To relax? To rest? To energize? To avoid pain? To conquer a difficulty? To overcome a challenge? Why?

Anchor in Breath

Now bring your attention gently to your breath. Let your breath be your anchor.

As distractions, thoughts, feelings, discomfort arise, smile upon your visitors, acknowledge them, name them, thank them, and let them go, then gently bring back your attention to your breath.

Gratitude and Joy Practice

Now bring your attention to the feeling of how year after year you cared for your own life. Now let yourself acknowledge and celebrate all that has supported you in this care.

With gratitude remember. All the people, animals, plants, living beings who bless your life with joy everyday or even once in a while. Visualize them, name them, put them in your heart.

With gratitude remember. All the care and labor of thousands of generations of elders and ancestors who came before you.

With gratitude remember. All the safety and well being you have been given.

With gratitude remember. The gift of this Earth you have been given.

With gratitude remember. The measure of health you have been given.

With gratitude remember. The family and friends you have been given.

With gratitude remember. The community you have been given.

With gratitude remember. The teachings and lessons, the teachers and students, you have been given.

With gratitude remember. The life you have been given.

As you celebrate all these gifts, let us also be grateful also for the gifts bestowed on others.

Continue to breathe gently.

Let your breath be your anchor.

Let your breath bring you back from distractions and discomfort to the present moment.

Now bring to mind someone you care about. Someone easy to rejoice for. Visualize them. Hear them. Name them. Feel the natural joy you have for their well being, happiness, and success.

With each breath offer them the positive energy of your gratefulness and your heartfelt wishes.

Now think or say softly to them: May you be happy. May you be free from pain and suffering and confusion.

With gratitude for the happiness of this person you care for, sit with ease.

Now extend this practice to another person you care about.

(Do this as many times as you like)

Now extend this practice to someone you feel neutral about.

(Do this a few times)

Now extend this practice to someone who is difficult or an enemy.

(Do this a few times)

Now gently bring back your attention to your breath. In… Out…

Dedication and Sharing

Now gather all the goodness you have experienced in this practice. And in one word share, if you like, how you feel or what is most true to you in this moment.


Hold your intention to gently transition from this practice to your next activity. Carry all the goodness you and others have accumulated with you.


Gratitude for being together today. See you next time.



Ibrahim El Far

Spiritual Wanderer. Father. Student of Mind and Humanity. Tech Leader.